
What is Tally ?

Tally, as the name suggests talks about counting and that is the very purpose of the software. Tally is the most popular accounting software in India, so much so that it is a prerequisite for a major number of the accounting jobs in the nation. The software is used in more than a hundred countries apart from India for various accounting purposes such as:

  • Daily Accounting
  • Inventory Management
  • Balance Sheet Creation
  • Profit Analysis
  • Generating various kinds of reports, aiding in Tax filing etc.

It is something that has made accounting fairly easy for the companies due to numerous reasons. Such as: Where in manual accounting one has to make entries, ledgers, create trial balances, make profit and loss accounts and match balance sheets, with the help of Tally, what happens is one only has to make ledger names and pass entries and the ledgers, trial balance and balance sheet are automatically updated.

Moreover, there are fewer chances of errors as well as it is less time taking, also the balance sheet automatically gets tallied.



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